People exposed to artificial electromagnetic radiation are observed to have symptoms such as:

  • sleep disorder
  • headaches and migraines
  • chronic fatigue and exhaustion
  • over sensitiveness and internal unrest
  • memory processing disorder
  • general weakness and susceptibility to infections
  • hormonal disorders



We are aware of the possible health consequences regarding exposure to EMF based upon scientific and medical research. It gives us a basis to undertake a strategy that will prevent the identified sources of electrosmog. The necessity for finding integrated solutions that take into account the health aspects is supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international institutions.

Bioelectric consciousness

Up until the 20th century, low frequency electromagnetic fields were caused only by natural phenomena like electric storms, movement of tectonic faults, and underground water veins. The only observed negative outcome of existing low frequency fields generated during atmospheric storms was the increased speed of rotting of certain foods like meat and milk. However, during the last century, rapid technological development, predominantly in the area of electromagnetic and electronic devices has caused an electromagnetic pollution of our environment. This “electromagnetic smog” is constantly increasing and posing more danger to the quality of life. According to some sources, the value of man-made alternating electromagnetic fields, especially in big cities and other conglomerations of people, can be 100 000 higher than the value of earth’s natural field.

The essence of the problem

While using the latest technology and other electrical devices in our everyday situations we inevitably expose ourselves to electromagnetic field. The most common sources of electromagnetic field are household appliances, computers, telecommunication devices, TV sets, mobile phones computers, other devices and electric cables. Exposure to electromagnetic field of low frequency is also found in close proximity to high voltage lines. Also there are high frequency magnetic fields which are a result of the use of radio, TV, wireless devices or mobile phones, induction heaters and anti-theft devices.

 The value of man-made alternating electromagnetic fields, especially in big cities and other conglomerations of people, can be 100 000 higher than the value of earth’s natural field.

Examples of the electric field strength measured in the distances of 3cm/30cm

The electromagnetic smog

The flow of electric current is accompanied by the presence of both the electric and magnetic fields in the environment of the electric wires and close to the appliances. With rapid advances in electric, electronic and communication technologies we are increasingly exposed to electric and magnetic fields. Everyday use of electrical household equipments and the boom in communication and it devices such as the internet, cellular phone networks and satellite navigation systems (Navstar-GPS) results in an electromagnetic smog.

Today the level of electric field in everyday situations is considerably higher then only 130 years ago.

The background of electromagnetic field (EMF) is characterized by random and uncontrolled strength and frequency as well as by undefined field pulses. The electromagnetic smog is harardous to human health. Electric currents naturally exist in the human body as an essential part of the functioning body. Electric processes are involved both in transmitting nerve signals and in biochemical reactions related to digestion, brain activity etc. It should be noted that long-tern explosure to EMF, even if of minor strength, may influence peolple’s well being.

EMF is usually divided into static and low-frequency electric electric and magnetic fields (of frequency f≤ 100 kHz, originating from power lines, household electrical appliances, computers) and high- or radiofrequency fields (f< ~100 GHz) for which the main sources are radio and TV broadcasts, mobile phones, radar, induction heaters etc.

Increase over time in the sources of electromagnetic fields


It is especially important in relation to the bedroom, where we spend on average a third of our lives. During sleep the basic functions of the body are less active as it focuses on rest and regeneration. Healthy sleep plays an important role in the DNA repair process in cells, ensuring optimal conditions for the body’s regeneration. Activation of the natural healing resources within the body allows us to enjoy better health and mood. However, typical electric wires in walls, ceiling and floor of the bedroom, not to mention all devices like lamps, alarm clocks and extension cables create EMF that is located close to the human body for many hours. Electromagnetic field shielding in the bedroom is important, because it can ensure a better repair process of DNA at night, when endogenous and exogenous DNA damage is at a minimal level.

It is the environment that we live in that influences our health and quality of life most.